Situated in the heart of Silicon Valley, Wull is positioned among cutting edge technology leaders and innovators in the unfolding AI Revolution.

We at Wull believe in results-oriented, human centric, and responsible use of AI. We believe in the power of AI to transform experiences, increase productivity, and grow revenue.

To meet the needs of AI transformation in healthcare, education, financial services, fintech, supply chain, manufacturing and other industries and services, we provide AI consulting both systemically and “a la carte”, based on each client’s specific needs.

  • Management consulting – Provide AI strategy assessment and feasibility studies to improve productivity that leads to optimal ROI.
  • Data architecting and infrastructure – Design, collect, process, store, and analyze data for AI applications for horizontal or vertical AI implementation.
  • Product and system design – Consult on AI product and system design to drive AI adoption.
  • Business process improvement & system integration – Improve, automate, iterate, integrate, and optimize processes and systems for desired results.